There are a few articles on the internet that present a solution to this problem. So, it is a refresher for some while eye opener for others. I will start with the usual steps and then the key aspect especially for the getRecords wire method which has a very specific syntax and it can be easily missed if not paid attention to.
The Usual
- Declare a dynamic / reactive property
- Set the dynamic/reactive property in the first wire method
- Use the property in the getRecords
- Conceptually the reactive property change shall trigger the wire method using this property
- If the second method uses an array parameter for e.g. getRecords uses recordIds as an array of parameters, putting it using the dynamic representation with ‘$’ prefix will not work.
- Revisit the dynamic/reactive property and represent it as an array
- In the first wire method set the property and push the value into the array property. This will trigger the second wire method.
The Secret Sauce
- Here is the working example
wireObj = []; @track myRecordIds=[]; @wire(CurrentPageReference) getPageReferenceParameters(currentPageReference) { if (currentPageReference && !this.myRecordIds) { this.myRecordIds= currentPageReference.state.recIds.split(',') || null; this.wireObj.push({recordIds: this.myRecordIds, fields: FIELDS}); } } @wire(getRecords, {records: '$wireObj' }) wiredRecords({ error, data }) { if (data) { console.log('data : '+ JSON.stringify(data)); // handle the data received; } else if (error) { console.log('error : '+ error); this.myRecordIds= null; } }